Do you feel manipulated? Often insulted? Feel like you walk on eggshells around others?
I can help you.
Taking responsibility for your life means being in your body, confident and solid, and living from your heart.
If you have suffered, you would have been knocked sideways and lost your footing or lost your energy to continue; depression, anxiety, and deep struggles can set in, keeping you feeling stuck and afraid to be you and in the world.
The world we live in today is challenging, and it is easy to lose connection with oneself because survival is the place our nervous systems run to, and this running on survival is exhausting. Learning that it is okay to be and think about what you want to do in your life is essential; often, we need another safe person to help us figure this out.
To re-discover our needs, let go of what is holding us back and keeping us unhappy; learn to enjoy relationships and begin the most important one, which is to oneself, trust yourself and have the courage to reach for what you desire with awareness of being an adult with a heart that feels and connects with life; with spontaneity to flow and enjoy life and do the things that excite you, and to have real honest and safe connections with people.
“Trauma is when we have encountered an out of control, frightening experience that has disconnected us from all sense of resourcefulness or safety or coping or love.”
Tara Brach 2011

Inside Out Therapy
Inside Out Therapy for individuals and couples is about restoring your connection with yourself, your partner, and life.
“The disturbing impact of emotional narcissistic abuse is how it gets you to immediately doubt your experiences, feelings and what you know to be true.”
Listening to the words of the body in healing from Cptsd.(Complex PTSD)
Healing from C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and developing that relationship with self, that is, seeing the goodness in oneself and being safe enough with other people so that what was developmentally stuck can be healed, is a journey that needs to be accompanied by movement by paying attention to the body. Listening to the body and working with a somatic lens in psychotherapy means examining the connection between the mind, body, brain, and behaviour, using solid knowledge of the nervous system to enhance the person’s psychotherapy process. When accompanied by the stories of the body moving, the psychotherapeutic…