What happens in the first session, and what is best for me?
In the first consultation session, we chat about your concerns to work out together the best course of therapy for you. It is a time for you to assess for yourself if you feel comfortable with me and to ask all the questions you may have. I complete an assessment with you and, following this assessment, agree with you on the best treatment plan. Part of this assessment process includes completing an information sheet.
If you need Counselling, then together we will discuss our working contract and set the day and times for your sessions. Counselling helps and works for such difficulties as bereavement / in going back to work/help in making important life decisions / recovering from surgery / becoming a new mum/changing career, etc. You will feel better after a process of counselling and be able to manage life better.
If you need Psychotherapy, this is longer-term work and can be for Anxiety / Relationship Issues / Trauma / Abuse / Childhood issues / and for deeper issues that can feel like ‘ I don’t know what is wrong, but I know something is. We may work for a significant amount of time together, for however long you need to feel better. During our time together, we will regularly review to reflect on the changes and where you are in your life journey.

“The purpose of psychotherapy is to set people free”
Rollo May